Monday, 11 March 2013

Another week, another not been out on my bike...

This not getting out on the bike is getting serious.  I've only done abiout 150 miles all year, whereas proper roadies will be pushing 1500+.  Poor.  Must do better.

So I've been running.

London this week did see me do a massive 2.5m on a Boris Bike at a blistering 8mph, then a very stuttering, wobbly run along the river and back.  A combination of commuters, tourists, sailing boats and detours saw me record probably the slowest 4 and a bit miles ever, but at least it was something.

Home again Friday night then a delightful (and easy) 8 miles with Izz and The Herb Saturday morning.  Unfortunately Mothers' Day got in the way of a bike ride on Sunday, and my lunchtime run today was scuppered by not having any shoes with me - however an early dart will mean that at least I'll get summat done later.

But bike.  BIKE!!!!

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