Saturday, 4 September 2010

Just a short one

I'm pretty sure that in last year's marathon campaign I didn't do enough slower running, so on the back of yesterday's longish run I decided to take advantage of a quiet day and do a slow recovery.  130bpm HR seems to be a pretty easy effort for me, so I set that as my target and ran to Halton East and back.

The HR did pop over the 130 a few times, but the average was 125 and that meant a fairly pedestrian, though very comfortable, pace of 8:15.

Unconvinced by my Nike Lunarglide shoes - I wore compression socks to be careful, but I still got a tiny tweak of so high up in my left calf - which hadn't been there at all yesterday, so I think they're now officially disco shoes.

Saw Neil Maloney whilst out - running along grinning cheerfully - wearing a woolly hat!!

Why, Neil, why????

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