Sunday, 3 February 2013

Back in the saddle

After the snow went I've had a decent week - although with travelling I was limited to three midweek runs.  getting quicker though, with sub-8 min miling feeling pretty comfortable.

Herb, Izzy and i went out for our "long" run yesterday - we debated how long all the way, and ended up turning just short of the Tesco road as Herb had to get back for a luncheon appointment.  Izzy was exceptionally well behaved - she seems to have grown up all of a sudden - you never know, perhaps K will like her soon!

We got back to the car with a small amount of time to spare and only quarter of a mile to make it a ten miler, so we jogged down the road and back to the car, much to Izzy's bemusement.  Anyway - 10 miles in a tad under 85 minutes - slower than last week's snowy effort, but a much pleasanter experience with Herb to chat to.

Then today was pencilled in for a return to cycling.  We'd decided our leggy weggies would be tired after yesterday, so dispensed with the Skipton CC 50 miler, wise in light of the weather.  We just did a bimble up Wharfedale to Linton then back via Rylstone - very hard work in the wind, and felt to be an effort all out of proportion to a fairly gentle 18 miles.  Still, the bike's out of the shed.

Difficult to believe it's February.  Weight loss os going ok - still no beer outside the Alps, and I've discovered turkey mince as an alternative to beef, so my red meat consumption is way down.  I think I've lost 9lbs or so in just over 4 weeks, so the 2lbs a week formula still holds good.  Just got to keep it up for another 10 weeks or so!

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