Saturday, 12 January 2013

Saturday dog walk...

We were out for a posh meal last night (Box Tree, Ilkley - not really us) so as the diary was more spread out than usual I nipped out for 4 at lunch - slightly quicker than of late where 8:30 miles seem to have become my pace of choice - through the park and out towards Carleton in daylight.  Pace crept under 8 min miling, so whilst not even brisk it's faster than normal.

Today I'd arranged to go for a long(ish) slow(very) one with The Herb.  Silsden again, but we took Izzy with us this time, as she's got a lot better off the lead.  She disgraced herself immediately after we set off by zooming around, but pretty quickly got into a rhythm of trotting and sniffing.

We were (I think) slightly slower than last week to the 3.5m point where we turned round, but there was a definite headwind today.  However we hit 4m in about 34 minutes and headed back.  It all felt a lot easier, and apart from expending a fair bit of energy shouting at the dog (road crossings mainly) it was a classic easy run - chatting with a mate, enjoying the movement and feeling pretty good.

Back at the car with just over 8 miles done at a tad over 8:30 pace.  Away skiing next weekend so I'll go back in a couple of weeks and try to do a 10 miler - which'll be good to get done less than a month after starting.

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