Saturday, 12 March 2011

Number 5 done...

As usual I ended up leaving work for my "afternoon off" about 2 o'clock, so was slightly late starting my long run from Silsden, so I decided to press on a bit more than I have previously.  I realsied that meant I might not get my 3 or 4 fast miles in at the end, but anything under 2:30 would mean that 3:15 should be fairly comfortable come 17 April, what with a number pinned on my jumper and everything.

I ran the first couple up to the canal at about 7:40 (which is quicker than normal) then tried to run at or just below 7:30 pace.  This proved pretty easy to Shipley as there was a reasonable following wind.  I also enjoyed it more than last week's 20 - maybe because I know it's the second to last one, or maybe because I've not got a cold, or maybe because we got our bonus letters this week (banker bashers will be pleased to know that the total number isn't very big, and lots of it's deferred so not much cash for people to get cross about).

Turning at Shipley made things a bit tougher, but the encouraging thing was that I was still feeling strong despite hitting the turn a couple of minutes quicker than normal.  On the way back there were a couple of slower miles around 5Rise, but I did manage to press on a bit from 15 to 18 running just under 7:20 pace - and that didn't feel like I was eyeballs out.  I do think sub-3 is going to be beyond me though, but I think a PB should be achievable given reasonably cool weather.

I finished off with a couple of slower miles to finish in 2:29:30, which is about bang on 3:15 marathon pace  - and this is in training, carrying water and not pressing too hard.  Satisfying to get it done, and to see the "5 Longest Runs" total hit the magic 100 miles.

After a meal out with Karen's aunt and uncle we dropped the kids off at home and went off to see Dave Spikey at the cattle mart theatre - very, very funny - 2 hours of belly laughs.  Go see him if you can...

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